Thursday, November 6, 2008

november 4th, whats next?

While the elections for President, Vice-President, the Senate, and the House of Representatives are now a thing of the past, one can only wonder what the future holds for America. For now it appears that a more liberal approach to social issues will certainly mark the next four years or longer. Liberal politicians tend to ignore traditional Christian values such as pro-life and traditional marriage (a man and a woman), - homosexual agendas tend to find support from the as well.
We may see additional losses of our Christian freedoms as activist judges are appointed to federal jurisdictions.
Hopefully, as Christians in America, we will humble ourselves before God’s throne and seek His face (not His hand) and turn from our half-hearted, when convenient worship to whole-heartedly serve Him.
When Israel strayed from Him and became lazy and fat in their prosperity, God allowed others to rule over them.
My heartfelt conviction is that it is morning in the kingdom. A new day is dawning as people all over America realize what is at stake. Christians are uniting and praying for God to intervene in our affairs. I believe this will intensify as we see the need to come together to stem the tide of immorality and sexual perversion. Perhaps we need to hear God’s word to Joshua:
Joshua 1:7-8 – 7Only you be strong and very courageous, that you may do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you. 8This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success.


Big Al said...

God's amazing Word tells us to "Be strong and courageous; meditate on His Word day and night." When we are in His Word, attending prayer meetings and in our personal prayer closets, fasting, and speaking out courageously as His mouthpiece, we effect change in government, society, and the lives of others. Then, we prosper and have good success. Isn't that awesome?!

Touche' Pastor. Thank you for getting it and allowing God to use you to lead His people on this journey.

Nathan said...

Please, Pastor Tony, will you enlighten me? What additional losses might we see? What Christian freedoms do you believe might be in jeopardy?