Jesus we are so awed by your presence and by your message of hope to us.
you speak to us in times like this and you say to us “peace be still.”
just get still and know that you’re God. that’s what you say to us.
just take a deep breath when you read the headlines and you hear the news.
just take a deep breath and know that I’m in charge. just look at what’s going
on and know that i brought it to this place. know that I am God and there is
none besides me. there is none that can override the purpose and the plan
i have for you. know that i am in the midst of you. as you lift your hands and
raise your voices to praise me know that I abide in the midst of your praise,
that I am near. when your hearts are bowed before me and you hear my voice
you will know my peace. it’s your choice. you can listen to the voice of the world
or you can listen to the voice of my spirit. you can hear what I have to say. i have
good news for you: i am in charge, i am in control. i will move and work my will
and my way. i will bring about my purpose. i will exalt and i will bring down; i will
move in and I will move out; i will raise up and I will tear down. for it is the world
that I’ve created, it belongs to Me. you are mine. Put your hand in my hand, trust in
me, walk with me and you will know my peace. don’t look on the right side nor on the
left and don’t look behind but look up. look up for your redemption comes from on
high. i will lift you, raise you, speak to you, cover you, protect you. my provision is
yours, so receive it today. Walk in the light of the truth that i’ve given to you.
for I have planted My word inside of your spirit. you belong to me and i am
responsible for you. i will do great things in the midst of you, in the midst
of this moment. It is now a time for my people to rise and let the earth
see there is a God who lives, and cares and loves.
a God of provision who takes care of his own.
pastor tony
april 26, 2009