Thursday, October 2, 2008

Call unto Me and I will answer you

Martin Luther King once said:
To be a Christian and not pray is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.
Prayer is truly the oxygen of spiritual life. Prayer energizes us in our spirit, soul & body.
Our nation will not get back on its feet until we begin to pray and seek God’s face.
When we pray, God is moved to work in our lives and dispatch angels to assist us in our endeavors for His Kingdom.
Fervent, heartfelt prayer releases us from stress, tension, and anxiety and frees us up to boldly do God’s bidding.
Prayer’s purpose is not to get God to agree with us but to bring us into agreement with His will for our lives.
As we pray, our resources, opportunities are joined to His resources in Heaven.
God has bound Himself by covenant to hear and answer our prayers:
Jeremiah 33:3 – “Call unto Me and I will answer you.”
Isaiah 58:9 – “You shall call and the Lord will answer; you shall cry and He will say, Here am I.”
Our prayers actually become immortal:
Revelation 8:3-5 – “And another angel came and stood over the altar. He had a golden censer and he was given very much incense (fragrant spices and gums which exhale perfume when burned), that he might mingle it will all the prayers of all the people of God (the saints), upon the golden altar before the one. And the smoke of the incense (the perfume) arose in the presence of God, with the prayers of the people of God (the saints) from the hand of the angel. So the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar and cast it upon the earth.”
Pray much, knowing your prayers are stored up around God’s throne until the day when He answers.

-pastor tony


chad said...

I can attest to two things:

1) I know that my pastor is a man of prayer. I can't tell you how many times I've gone to his office to ask him a question or seek some kind of handout (usually money) - and his door is locked, the sign is hanging on the door knob, "Do Not Disturb", and I can hear him crying out before the Lord, loud and high above the sound of the worship music playing from his CD player. When I have an issue I'm struggling through, this is one man I'm confident will take my request or issue into the presence of the Lord. It feels so good to know this about the man with whom I serve. How great would it be to be that kind of person to the people who live or work around you?

2) Just the other day I was cleaning out my office and came across an old notebook. It's funny because the notebook looks like it should belong to a junior high girl, and probably did at one time. It has hearts cut out of the front page and is more colorful than a rainbow. I found it actually, more than a year ago. Before I tossed it into the trash, I opened it and was amazed at what I'd found on the very last page. I'd used this notebook more than a year ago to write out several requests before God. Actually, it was more like a complete laundry list of issues that I was personally dealing with at the time. I placed at the top of my list "Esther 7:2" and entitled it, "This is what I need from You God!" As I began to read down the list of issues I had taken before the Lord so long ago, my heart broke. Every item on my prayer list had been answered. Yes, I forgot about the silly colorful notebook. Yes, I set the list aside and never looked at it again after that day, but God is faithful. He looked at my petition one time and set it in His heart to begin bringing me freedom in the areas of my life I needed freedom, healing in my life in the areas I needed healing and direction and wisdom in my life in the many areas I needed direction and wisdom. Our God is an awesome God. Our God hears and answers prayer. Would you begin today? Just try it. Take your petition to the Lord. Call out His name. Ask of Him. Worship Him. And watch and see that our God is good!

Unknown said...

That is truly an amazing story Chad. God has blessed you and Katie through the Epic Movement. I have watched the movement grow in just a short time. you have remained fathfull to God and he has shown his never ending love to you and your family. Keep it up! God has More for you...I feel it.
- Jason Jock