Monday, October 13, 2008

who is to blame?

One trillion dollars lost in one day!
The stock market meltdown triggered an avalanche of bad news from around the world.
We first had a bail-out which then became a buy-out which resulted in a $100,000,000,000 (that’s 100 billion) sell-out of Mr. & Mrs. Taxpayer – that’s you and me.
How did we get here?
Why did this happen?
Who is to blame?
What is the solution?
Democrats and Republicans joined together and brought their own votes by allotting pork barrel (unnecessary spending, wasteful pet projects) funding of more than $100 billion dollars.
Somebody is not watching out for those of us who pay taxes.
Banks for years have loaned money to people who were not credit worthy and have exceeded customer’s ability to pay back the loans.
Now we have trillions of dollars tied up in loans to people who overextended their credit and cannot pay it back.
We have abandoned old fashioned logic which says – If you can’t afford it, don’t buy it; don’t spend beyond your means.
Somebody wasn’t watching out for us. Somebody got lulled to sleep.
The same thing is happening in the Kingdom of God. Too much compromise, too much tolerance with sin has wreaked havoc with our homes, our marriages, our families, our schools and our culture.
Matthew 26:41 – Jesus warns us, “Watch and pray lest you enter into temptation.”
“To watch” means “to keep awake” and denotes giving careful attention and mindfulness in the face of danger; to be alert; to denounce all slackening in the energy of faith and conduct.
God told Adam in Genesis to “keep” the garden. He was to protect, pay careful attention to the obligations of His covenant with God.
“Watching” is an active appraisal of what is happening around us in both the spiritual and physical realms.
Today, you and I are God’s garden and vineyard and field under cultivation. (I Corinthians. 3:9)
“Watching” prevents satan from taking advantage of us.
“Watching” causes us to hear what God is saying and to know what He is doing.

-pastor tony

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